The combined pressure-air blast and metalizing chambers with the option of electrical metalizing (dimension of the work area – as required by the user or according to the size of maximum or optimum adjusted part) is used for pre-treatment of the surface of dry and not greasy parts with the option of consequent metalizing. Technical solution of the combined blast and metalizing chamber (work space, dust separator, etc. is in design Ex – environment with the risk of explosion and fire of explosive and flammable dusts – zinc and its alloys) enables daily performance of blast and hot blast in intervals 8 to 10 hours of blast and 8 to 10 hours of hot blast.
Electrical switchboard with the panel control is commonly fitted with PLC control system OMRON (touch panel).
If required by the customer, the combined chambers can be fitted with solid tilting platforms, 3D platforms, overhead actuated or non-actuated conveyor, various lifting devices, and actuated or non-actuated charging rail or wheel trucks.
All equipment which fits in the combined blast and metalizing chamber, can be jetted and metalized in the chamber.